Huge mountains covered by the best snow in this part of the world, are the perfect setting for its famous ski slopes, for beginners, intermediate and advanced.
This valley located south of the province of Mendoza, 70 km from Malargüe. The hills reach heights of 3,400 and 4,200 m, while the base of the hills are at 2,250 meters above sea level.
A true first class tourist complex, the most modern and important in South America and of international importance. The winter season, famous for the quality of its powder snow, covers the months of June to October, providing the skier with a specialized school with the most modern teaching methods.
In addition, this Center offers the possibility of holding conventions and special events throughout the year.
Importantes y muy modernos hoteles y apartahoteles ofrecen alojamiento en habitaciones dobles, triples, cuádruples con servicios relacionados de primera.
Explora sus imponentes montañas, sus cavernas, lagunas y caudalosos ríos con la experiencia de excelentes guías que te llevarán a descubrir todos sus lugares escondidos
Aquellos que quieran aventura pueden practicar rafting, kayak, trekking, canotaje y montañismo, incluyendo escalada, rapel y tirolesa.
Quienes prefieran estar en contacto con la naturaleza podrán disfrutar de cabalgatas, cuatrimotos, excursiones en 4×4, windsurf, mountain bike y otros emocionantes deportes.